Privoxy: $title

Privoxy: $title


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\n"); exit; } /* * Bookmarklet that leads here: */ $my_address = "http://" . $HTTP_SERVER_VARS["HTTP_HOST"] . $PHP_SELF; $bookmarklet = "javascript:w=Math.floor(screen.width/2);h=Math.floor(screen.height*0.9);void('$my_address?url='+escape(location.href)," . "'Feedback','screenx='+w+',width='+w+',height='+h+',scrollbars=yes,toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=no,menubar=no," . "copyhistory=no').focus());"; /* * Provide default if URL unset */ if (!isset($url)) { $url = ""; } else { $url = strtr($url, " ", "+"); } /* * Deny feedback which is not based on our latest * distribution: */ $headers = getallheaders(); if (!isset($headers["X-Actions-File-Version"]) || $headers["X-Actions-File-Version"] != $required_actions_file_version) { error_abort("invalid", "

As much as we welcome your feedback, please note that we can only accept problem reports based on:

We hope you will understand that we feel unable to maintain concurrent versions of the file.

Hint: To upgrade your actions file, just right-click the above link, then save as default.action in your Privoxy config directory

"); } ?> Privoxy Action List Feedback - Step 1 of 2

Privoxy Action List Feedback - Step 1 of 2

Thank you for reporting a missing or invalid action!

The Privoxy team relies on your feedback to maintain an efficient actions file!
Please fill the below form and click to proceed to step 2.

Please keep in mind that this is not the place for support requests,
bug reports or feature requests.

Nature of the problem:

Using Bookmarklets for Feedback

To make it even easier for you, we provide a bookmarklet which will not only take you here from any troubled page you might be surfing, but also pre-fill the form!

Please right-click the following link and choose "Add to Favorites" (IE) or "Add Bookmark for Link" (Netscape): Privoxy - Submit Filter Feedback

You might get a warning that the bookmark "may not be safe" (IE) - just click OK. For even faster access, you can put it on the "Links" bar (IE) or the "Personal Toolbar" (Netscape), and submit feedback with a single click!

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