OpenSSL generate_key(): Check EVP_RSA_gen()'s return value
[privoxy.git] / doc / webserver / user-manual / seealso.html
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18         <th colspan="3" align="center">Privoxy 3.0.35 User Manual</th>
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29     <h1 class="SECT1"><a name="SEEALSO" id="SEEALSO">14. See Also</a></h1>
30     <p>Other references and sites of interest to <span class="APPLICATION">Privoxy</span> users:</p>
31     <table border="0">
32       <tbody>
33         <tr>
34           <td><a href="" target="_top"></a>, the <span class=
35           "APPLICATION">Privoxy</span> Home page.</td>
36         </tr>
37       </tbody>
38     </table>
39     <table border="0">
40       <tbody>
41         <tr>
42           <td><a href="" target="_top"></a>, the <span class=
43           "APPLICATION">Privoxy</span> FAQ.</td>
44         </tr>
45       </tbody>
46     </table>
47     <table border="0">
48       <tbody>
49         <tr>
50           <td><a href="" target=
51           "_top"></a>, the <span class="APPLICATION">Privoxy</span> developer
52           manual.</td>
53         </tr>
54       </tbody>
55     </table>
56     <table border="0">
57       <tbody>
58         <tr>
59           <td><a href="" target=
60           "_top"></a>, the Project Page for <span class=
61           "APPLICATION">Privoxy</span> on <a href="" target="_top">SourceForge</a>.</td>
62         </tr>
63       </tbody>
64     </table>
65     <table border="0">
66       <tbody>
67         <tr>
68           <td><a href="" target="_top"></a>, the web-based user
69           interface. <span class="APPLICATION">Privoxy</span> must be running for this to work. Shortcut: <a href=
70           "http://p.p/" target="_top">http://p.p/</a></td>
71         </tr>
72       </tbody>
73     </table>
74     <table border="0">
75       <tbody>
76         <tr>
77           <td><a href="" target=
78           "_top"></a>, to submit <span class=
79           "QUOTE">"misses"</span> and other configuration related suggestions to the developers.</td>
80         </tr>
81       </tbody>
82     </table>
83     <table border="0">
84       <tbody>
85         <tr>
86           <td><a href="" target="_top"></a>, a popular caching
87           proxy, which is often used together with <span class="APPLICATION">Privoxy</span>.</td>
88         </tr>
89       </tbody>
90     </table>
91     <table border="0">
92       <tbody>
93         <tr>
94           <td><a href="" target=
95           "_top"></a>, <span class="APPLICATION">Polipo</span> is a caching
96           proxy with advanced features like pipelining, multiplexing and caching of partial instances. In many setups
97           it can be used as <span class="APPLICATION">Squid</span> replacement.</td>
98         </tr>
99       </tbody>
100     </table>
101     <table border="0">
102       <tbody>
103         <tr>
104           <td><a href="" target="_top"></a>, <span class=
105           "APPLICATION">Tor</span> can help anonymize web browsing, web publishing, instant messaging, IRC, SSH, and
106           other applications.</td>
107         </tr>
108       </tbody>
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121         <td width="34%" align="center" valign="top">&nbsp;</td>
122         <td width="33%" align="right" valign="top">Appendix</td>
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