Privoxy Frequently Asked Questions

By: Privoxy Developers

$Id: faq.sgml,v 1.51 2002/04/26 17:24:31 swa Exp $

This FAQ gives users and developers alike answers to frequently asked questions about Privoxy .

Privoxy is a web proxy with advanced filtering capabilities for protecting privacy, filtering web page content, managing cookies, controlling access, and removing ads, banners, pop-ups and other obnoxious Internet junk. Privoxy has a very flexible configuration and can be customized to suit individual needs and tastes. Privoxy has application for both stand-alone systems and multi-user networks.

Privoxy is based on Internet Junkbuster (tm).

You can find the latest version of the document at Please see the Contact section if you want to contact the developers.

Table of Contents
1. General Information
1.1. What is this new version of Privoxy?
1.2. Why "Privoxy"? Why a name change at all?
1.3. How does Privoxy differ from the old Junkbuster?
1.4. What are some of the new features?
1.5. What is a "proxy"? How does Privoxy work?
1.6. How does Privoxy know what is an ad, and what is not?
1.7. Can Privoxy make mistakes? This does not sound very scientific.
1.8. My browser does the same things as Privoxy. Why should I use Privoxy at all?
1.9. Is there is a license or fee? What about a warranty? Registration?
1.10. I would like to help you, what do I do?
1.10.1. Money Money Money
1.10.2. You want to work with us?
2. Installation
2.1. Which browsers are supported by Privoxy?
2.2. Which operating systems are supported?
2.3. Can I install Privoxy over Junkbuster?
2.4. I just installed Privoxy. Is there anything special I have to do now?
2.5. What is the proxy address of Privoxy?
2.6. I just installed Privoxy, and nothing is happening. All the ads are there. What's wrong?
3. Configuration
3.1. Can I use my old config files?
3.2. What is an "actions" file?
3.3. The "actions" concept confuses me. Please list some of these "actions".
3.4. How are actions files configured? What is the easiest way to do this?
3.5. Why can I change the configuration with a browser? Does that not raise security issues?
3.6. What is "default.filter"?
3.7. How can I set up Privoxy to act as a proxy for my LAN?
3.8. Instead of ads, now I get a checkerboard pattern. I don't want to see anything.
3.9. Why would anybody want to see a checkerboard pattern?
3.10. I see large red banners on some pages that say "Blocked". Why and how do I get rid of this?
3.11. I cannot see all of the "Blocked" page banner. All I see is a bright red square.
3.12. Can Privoxy run as a service on Win2K/NT?
3.13. How can I make Privoxy work with other proxies like Squid?
4. Miscellaneous
4.1. How much does Privoxy slow my browsing down? This has to add extra time to browsing.
4.2. I noticed considerable delays in page requests compared to the old Junkbuster. What's wrong?
4.3. What is the "http://p.p/"?
4.4. Do you still maintain the blocklists?
4.5. How can I submit new ads?
4.6. How can I hide my IP address?
4.7. Can Privoxy guarantee I am anonymous?
4.8. Might some things break because header information is being altered?
4.9. Can Privoxy act as a "caching" proxy to speed up web browsing?
4.10. What about as a firewall? Can Privoxy protect me?
4.11. The Privoxy logo that replaces ads is very blocky and ugly looking. Can't a better font be used?
4.12. I have large empty spaces now where ads used to be. Why?
4.13. How can Privoxy filter Secure (HTTPS) URLs?
4.14. Privoxy runs as a "server". How secure is it? Do I need to take any special precautions?
4.15. How can I temporarily disable Privoxy?
4.16. Where can I find more information about Privoxy and related issues?
5. Troubleshooting
5.1. I just upgraded and am getting "connection refused" with every web page?
5.2. I just added a new rule, but the steenkin ad is still getting through. How?
5.3. One of my favorite sites does not work with Privoxy. What can I do?
5.4. What time is it?
7. Contacting the developers, Bug Reporting and Feature Requests
7.1. Get Support
7.2. Report bugs
7.3. Request new features
7.4. Report ads or other filter problems
7.5. Other
8. Copyright and History
8.1. Copyright
8.2. History