<sect2 renderas="sect3" id="license"><title>Is there is a license or fee? What about a
warranty? Registration?</title>
- <application>Privoxy</application> is free software and licensed under the <ulink
- url="https://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html">GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2</ulink>.
- It is free to use, copy, modify or distribute as you wish under the terms of this
- license. Please see the <link linkend="copyright">Copyright</link> section for more
- information on the license and copyright. Or the <filename>LICENSE</filename> file
- that should be included.
+ <application>Privoxy</application> is free software.
+ It is free to use, copy, modify or distribute as you wish under the terms of its
+ license.
+ Please see the <link linkend="copyright">Copyright</link> section for more
+ information on the license and copyright.
There is <emphasis>no warranty</emphasis> of any kind, expressed, implied or otherwise.