make tarball-dist
- <para>
- To upload the package to Sourceforge, simply issue
- </para>
- <programlisting>
- make tarball-upload
- <para>
- Go to the displayed URL and release the file publicly on Sourceforge.
- For the change log field, use the relevant section of the
- <filename>ChangeLog</filename> file.
- </para>
<sect3 id="newrelease-rpm"><title>SuSE, Conectiva or Red Hat RPM</title>
make <replaceable class="parameter">dist</replaceable>-dist
- <para>
- To upload the package to Sourceforge, simply issue
- </para>
- <programlisting>
- make <replaceable class="parameter">dist</replaceable>-upload <replaceable class="parameter">rpm_packagerev</replaceable>
- <para>
- where <replaceable class="parameter">rpm_packagerev</replaceable> is the
- RPM release number as determined above.
- Go to the displayed URL and release the file publicly on Sourceforge.
- Use the release notes and change log from the source tarball package.
- </para>
<sect3 id="newrelease-solaris"><title>Solaris</title>
This will create
- which can be uploaded. To upload the package to Sourceforge, simply
- issue
+ which can be uploaded.
- <programlisting>
- make debian-upload
<sect3 id="newrelease-macosx"><title>Mac OS X</title>