X-Git-Url: http://www.privoxy.org/gitweb/show-status?a=blobdiff_plain;f=doc%2Fwebserver%2Fuser-manual%2Ffilter-file.html;h=d9a382fea164475a4ddc175df5f82b729089b7ea;hb=2d6b5d2e894f920d7e376a9dc4fa436a8dbefcec;hp=56c70ebe0679fc309b083d1f18261f9eb3bd9304;hpb=0212c18282eaa5f73843cbbec12c9137ea596e1c;p=privoxy.git diff --git a/doc/webserver/user-manual/filter-file.html b/doc/webserver/user-manual/filter-file.html index 56c70ebe..d9a382fe 100644 --- a/doc/webserver/user-manual/filter-file.html +++ b/doc/webserver/user-manual/filter-file.html @@ -74,142 +74,580 @@ NAME="FILTER-FILE" >9. The Filter File

Any web page can be dynamically modified with the filter file. This - modification can be removal, or re-writing, of any web page content, - including tags and non-visible content. The default filter file is - oddly enough All text substitutions that can be invoked through the + filter action + must first be defined in the filter file, which is typically + called default.filter, located in the config - directory.

and which can be + selected through the filterfile config + option.

This is potentially a very powerful feature, and requires knowledge of both - Typical reasons for doing such substitutions are to eliminate + common annoyances in HTML and JavaScript, such as pop-up windows, + exit consoles, crippled windows without navigation tools, the + infamous <BLINK> tag etc, to suppress images with certain + width and height attributes (standard banner sizes or web-bugs), + or just to have fun. The possibilities are endless.

Filtering works on any text-based document type, including plain + text, HTML, JavaScript, CSS etc. (all text/* + MIME types). Substitutions are made at the source level, so if + you want to "roll your own" filters, you should be + familiar with HTML syntax.

Just like the actions files, the + filter file is organized in sections, which are called filters + here. Each filter consists of a heading line, that starts with the + keyword FILTER:, followed by + the filter's name, and a short (one line) + description of what it does. Below that line + come the jobs, i.e. lines that define the actual + text substitutions. By convention, the name of a filter + should describe what the filter eliminates. The + comment is used in the web-based + user interface.

Once a filter called name has been defined + in the filter file, it can be invoked by using an action of the form + +filter{name} + in any actions file.

A filter header line for a filter called "foo" could look + like this:

FILTER: foo Replace all "foo" with "bar"

Below that line, and up to the next header line, come the jobs that + define what text replacements the filter executes. They are specified + in a syntax that imitates Perl's + s/// operator. If you are familiar with Perl, you + will find this to be quite intuitive, and may want to look at the + PCRS man page + for the subtle differences to Perl behaviour. Most notably, the non-standard + option letter U is supported, which turns the default + to ungreedy matching.

If you are new to regular expressions, you might want to take a look at + the Appendix on regular expressions, and + see the Perl + manual for + the + s/// operator's syntax and Perl-style regular + expressions in general. + The below examples might also help to get you started.

9.1. Filter File Tutorial

Now, let's complete our "regular expression" and HTML in order create custom - filters. But, there are a number of useful filters included with +>"foo" filter. We have already defined + the heading, but the jobs are still missing. Since all it does is to replace Privoxy for many common situations.

"foo" with "bar", there is only one (trivial) job + needed:


But wait! Didn't the comment say that all occurrences + of "foo" should be replaced? Our current job will only take + care of the first "foo" on each page. For global substitution, + we'll need to add the g option:


Our complete filter now looks like this:

FILTER: foo Replace all "foo" with "bar"

Let's look at some real filters for more interesting examples. Here you see + a filter that protects against some common annoyances that arise from JavaScript + abuse. Let's look at its jobs one after the other:

FILTER: js-annoyances Get rid of particularly annoying JavaScript abuse
+# Get rid of JavaScript referrer tracking. Test page: http://www.randomoddness.com/untitled.htm
+s|(<script.*)document\.referrer(.*</script>)|$1"Not Your Business!"$2|Usg

Following the header line and a comment, you see the job. Note that it uses + | as the delimiter instead of /, because + the pattern contains a forward slash, which would otherwise have to be escaped + by a backslash (\).

The included example file is divided into sections. Each section begins - with the Now, let's examine the pattern: it starts with the text FILTER keyword, followed by the identifier - for that section, e.g. <script.* + enclosed in parentheses. Since the dot matches any character, and * + means: "FILTER: webbugs". Each section performs - a similar type of filtering, such as "Match an arbitrary number of the element left of myself", this + matches "html-annoyances".

"<script", followed by any text, i.e. + it matches the whole page, from the start of the first <script> tag.

This file uses regular expressions to alter or remove any string in the - target page. The expressions can only operate on one line at a time. Some - examples from the included default default.filter:

That's more than we want, but the pattern continues: document\.referrer + matches only the exact string "document.referrer". The dot needed to + be escaped, i.e. preceded by a backslash, to take away its + special meaning as a joker, and make it just a regular dot. So far, the meaning is: + Match from the start of the first <script> tag in a the page, up to, and including, + the text "document.referrer", if both are present + in the page (and appear in that order).

Stop web pages from displaying annoying messages in the status bar by - deleting such references:

But there's still more pattern to go. The next element, again enclosed in parentheses, + is .*</script>. You already know what .* + means, so the whole pattern translates to: Match from the start of the first <script> + tag in a page to the end of the last <script> tag, provided that the text + "document.referrer" appears somewhere in between.

This is still not the whole story, since we have ignored the options and the parentheses: + The portions of the page matched by sub-patterns that are enclosed in parentheses, will be + remembered and be available through the variables

 FILTER: html-annoyances
- # New browser windows should be resizeable and have a location and status
- # bar. Make it so.
- #
- s/resizable="?(no|0)"?/resizable=1/ig s/noresize/yesresize/ig
- s/location="?(no|0)"?/location=1/ig s/status="?(no|0)"?/status=1/ig
- s/scrolling="?(no|0|Auto)"?/scrolling=1/ig
- s/menubar="?(no|0)"?/menubar=1/ig 
- # The <BLINK> tag was a crime!
- #
- s*<blink>|</blink>**ig
- # Is this evil? 
- #
- #s/framespacing="?(no|0)"?//ig
- #s/margin(height|width)=[0-9]*//gi


$1, $2, ...
in + the substitute. The U option switches to ungreedy matching, which means + that the first .* in the pattern will only "eat up" all + text in between "<script" and the first occurrence + of "document.referrer", and that the second .* will + only span the text up to the first "</script>" + tag. Furthermore, the s option says that the match may span + multiple lines in the page, and the g option again means that the + substitution is global.

Just for kicks, replace any occurrence of So, to summarize, the pattern means: Match all scripts that contain the text + "Microsoft" with +>"document.referrer". Remember the parts of the script from + (and including) the start tag up to (and excluding) the string "MicroSuck", and have a little fun with topical buzzwords:

"document.referrer" as $1, and the part following + that string, up to and including the closing tag, as $2.

Now the pattern is deciphered, but wasn't this about substituting things? So + lets look at the substitute:

 FILTER: fun
- s/microsoft(?!.com)/MicroSuck/ig
- # Buzzword Bingo:
- #
- s/industry-leading|cutting-edge|award-winning/<font color=red><b>BINGO!</b></font>/ig


$1"Not Your Business!"$2
is + easy to read: The text remembered as $1, followed by + "Not Your Business!" (including + the quotation marks!), followed by the text remembered as $2. + This produces an exact copy of the original string, with the middle part + (the "document.referrer") replaced by "Not Your + Business!".

Kill those pesky little web-bugs:

The whole job now reads: Replace "document.referrer" by + "Not Your Business!" wherever it appears inside a + <script> tag. Note that this job won't break JavaScript syntax, + since both the original and the replacement are syntactically valid + string objects. The script just won't have access to the referrer + information anymore.

We'll show you two other jobs from the JavaScript taming department, but + this time only point out the constructs of special interest:

# The status bar is for displaying link targets, not pointless blahblah

 # webbugs: Squish WebBugs (1x1 invisible GIFs used for user tracking)
- FILTER: webbugs
- s/<img\s+[^>]*?(width|height)\s*=\s*['"]?1\D[^>]*?(width|height)\s*=\s*['"]?1(\D[^>]*?)?>/<!-- Squished WebBug -->/sig


9.1. The \s stands for whitespace characters (space, tab, newline, + carriage return, form feed), so that \s* means: "zero + or more whitespace". The ? in .*? + makes this matching of arbitrary text ungreedy. (Note that the U + option is not set). The ['"] construct means: "a single + +filter Action

or a double quote".

Filters are enabled with the So what does this job do? It replaces assignments of single- or double-quoted + strings to the "window.status" object with a dummy assignment + (using a variable name that is hopefully odd enough not to conflict with + real variables in scripts). Thus, it catches many cases where e.g. pointless + descriptions are displayed in the status bar instead of the link target when + you move your mouse over links.

# Kill OnUnload popups. Yummy. Test: http://www.zdnet.com/zdsubs/yahoo/tree/yfs.html
+s/(<body .*)onunload(.*>)/$1never$2/iU

Including the + OnUnload + event binding in the HTML DOM was a CRIME. + When I close a browser window, I want it to close and die. Basta. + This job replaces the "+filter" action from within - one of the actions files. "onunload" attribute in + "+filter" requires one parameter, which - should match one of the section identifiers in the filter file itself. Example:

"<body>" tags with the dummy word never. + Note that the i option makes the pattern matching + case-insensitive.

The last example is from the fun department:

FILTER: fun Fun text replacements + +# Spice the daily news: +# +s/microsoft(?!\.com)/MicroSuck/ig

This would activate that particular filter. Similarly, "+filter" - can be turned off for selected sites as: +> Note the (?!\.com) part (a so-called negative lookahead) + in the job's pattern, which means: Don't match, if the string "-filter{html-annoyances}". Remember too, all actions are off by - default, unless they are explicity enabled in one of the actions files.

".com" appears directly following "microsoft" + in the page. This prevents links to microsoft.com from being messed, while + still replacing the word everywhere else.

# Buzzword Bingo (example for extended regex syntax)
+s* industry[ -]leading \
+|  cutting[ -]edge \
+|  award[ -]winning # Comments are OK, too! \
+|  high[ -]performance \
+|  solutions[ -]based \
+|  unmatched \
+|  unparalleled \
+|  unrivalled \
+*<font color="red"><b>BINGO!</b></font> \

The x option in this job turns on extended syntax, and allows for + e.g. the liberal use of (non-interpreted!) whitespace for nicer formatting.

You get the idea?