-const char parsers_rcs[] = "$Id: parsers.c,v 1.274 2013/01/04 12:20:31 fabiankeil Exp $";
+const char parsers_rcs[] = "$Id: parsers.c,v 1.275 2013/03/07 14:08:50 fabiankeil Exp $";
* File : $Source: /cvsroot/ijbswa/current/parsers.c,v $
* port information, parse and evaluate the Host
* header field.
- * Also, kill ill-formed HOST: headers as sent by
- * Apple's iTunes software when used with a proxy.
- *
* Parameters :
* 1 : csp = Current client state (buffers, headers, etc...)
* 2 : header = On input, pointer to header to modify.
char *p, *q;
- /*
- * If the header field name is all upper-case, chances are that it's
- * an ill-formed one from iTunes. BTW, killing innocent headers here is
- * not a problem -- they are regenerated later.
- */
- if ((*header)[1] == 'O')
- {
- log_error(LOG_LEVEL_HEADER, "Killed all-caps Host header line: %s", *header);
- freez(*header);
- return JB_ERR_OK;
- }
if (!csp->http->hostport || (*csp->http->hostport == '*') ||
*csp->http->hostport == ' ' || *csp->http->hostport == '\0')