This file belongs into
- $Id: user-manual.sgml,v 2.86 2008/08/16 10:12:23 fabiankeil Exp $
+ $Id: user-manual.sgml,v 2.87 2008/08/30 15:37:35 fabiankeil Exp $
Copyright (C) 2001-2008 Privoxy Developers
-<pubdate>$Id: user-manual.sgml,v 2.86 2008/08/16 10:12:23 fabiankeil Exp $</pubdate>
+<pubdate>$Id: user-manual.sgml,v 2.87 2008/08/30 15:37:35 fabiankeil Exp $</pubdate>
+<!-- ~~~~~ New section ~~~~~ -->
+<sect3 renderas="sect4" id="change-x-forwarded-for">
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>Typical use:</term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>Improve privacy by not forwarding the source of the request in the HTTP headers.</para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>Effect:</term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ Deletes the <quote>X-Forwarded-For:</quote> HTTP header from the client request,
+ or adds a new one.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>Type:</term>
+ <!-- Boolean, Parameterized, Multi-value -->
+ <listitem>
+ <para>Parameterized.</para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>Parameter:</term>
+ <listitem>
+ <itemizedlist>
+ <listitem>
+ <para><quote>block</quote> to delete the header.</para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <quote>add</quote> to create the header (or append
+ the client's IP address to an already existing one).
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </itemizedlist>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>Notes:</term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ It is safe and recommended to use <literal>block</literal>.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Forwarding the source address of the request may make
+ sense in some multi-user setups but is also a privacy risk.
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term>Example usage:</term>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
+ <screen>+change-x-forwarded-for{block}</screen>
+ </para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
<!-- ~~~~~ New section ~~~~~ -->
<sect3 renderas="sect4" id="client-header-filter">
-<!-- ~~~~~ New section ~~~~~ -->
-<sect3 renderas="sect4" id="hide-forwarded-for-headers">
- <varlistentry>
- <term>Typical use:</term>
- <listitem>
- <para>Improve privacy by not forwarding the source of the request in the HTTP headers.</para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term>Effect:</term>
- <listitem>
- <para>
- Deletes any existing <quote>X-Forwarded-for:</quote> HTTP header from client requests.
- </para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term>Type:</term>
- <!-- Boolean, Parameterized, Multi-value -->
- <listitem>
- <para>Boolean.</para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term>Parameter:</term>
- <listitem>
- <para>
- N/A
- </para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term>Notes:</term>
- <listitem>
- <para>
- It is safe and recommended to leave this on.
- </para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term>Example usage:</term>
- <listitem>
- <para>
- <screen>+hide-forwarded-for-headers</screen>
- </para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
<!-- ~~~~~ New section ~~~~~ -->
<sect3 renderas="sect4" id="hide-from-header">
# "Defaults" section:
{ \
+ +<link linkend="CHANGE-X-FORWARDED-FOR">change-x-forwarded-for{block}</link> \
+<link linkend="DEANIMATE-GIFS">deanimate-gifs</link> \
+<link linkend="FILTER-HTML-ANNOYANCES">filter{html-annoyances}</link> \
+<link linkend="FILTER-REFRESH-TAGS">filter{refresh-tags}</link> \
+<link linkend="FILTER-WEBBUGS">filter{webbugs}</link> \
+<link linkend="FILTER-IE-EXPLOITS">filter{ie-exploits}</link> \
- +<link linkend="HIDE-FORWARDED-FOR-HEADERS">hide-forwarded-for-headers</link> \
+<link linkend="HIDE-FROM-HEADER">hide-from-header{block}</link> \
+<link linkend="HIDE-REFERER">hide-referrer{forge}</link> \
+<link linkend="PREVENT-COMPRESSION">prevent-compression</link> \
In file: default.action <guibutton>[ View ]</guibutton> <guibutton>[ Edit ]</guibutton>
- {+deanimate-gifs {last}
+ {+change-x-forwarded-for{block}
+ +deanimate-gifs {last}
+fast-redirects {check-decoded-url}
+filter {refresh-tags}
+filter {img-reorder}
+filter {webbugs}
+filter {jumping-windows}
+filter {ie-exploits}
- +hide-forwarded-for-headers
+hide-from-header {block}
+hide-referrer {forge}
+ +change-x-forwarded-for{block}
- +hide-forwarded-for-headers
+hide-from-header {block}
+hide-referrer {forge}
+ +change-x-forwarded-for{block}
- +hide-forwarded-for-headers
$Log: user-manual.sgml,v $
+ Revision 2.87 2008/08/30 15:37:35 fabiankeil
+ Update entities.
Revision 2.86 2008/08/16 10:12:23 fabiankeil
Merge two sentences and move the URL to the end of the item.